Saturday, May 4, 2024

EOTO Reaction: Cord Cutting

When everyone presented their EOTO projects, I thought all of them were extremely informative and interesting. However, one topic that really stuck out to me was cord cutting, which was presented by Charles. Cord cutting is the process of canceling regular cable subscriptions due to the rise of streaming services. Streaming services provide a bigger variety of entertainment at all times from different locations. On the other hand, cable and satellite TV only are able to provide selective channels in a specific location. Streaming services like Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime and Netflix are just a few of the most popular streaming services that have become more popular over the years. 

Cord cutting became very popular in the early 21st century as early adopters soon learned that streaming services had plenty more advantages than regular cable. The audience and viewers realized that streaming services were more flexible, easier to access and much cheaper than regular cable. Early adopters also started realizing the benefits of streaming services. Have you ever wanted to watch a specific show that wasn’t airing on cable? What if you wanted to pause a show? Rewind it? Better yet, what if you wanted to watch the new episode of your favorite show but you weren’t going to be home at that time? Streaming services offer a solution to all of those problems. 

With a new invention or idea, there are always the late adopters. Personally, I have found that older generations do not like the streaming services and have not “cut the cord” yet. They prefer the simpleness of technology and rather not face change having to deal with learning a whole new system. They crave comfort as technology has become so advanced in the past few decades. Even speaking for myself, I have had some trouble maneuvering through certain technological inventions.

Personally, I have always been a fan of streaming services. I genuinely can’t recall the last time I used cable or satellite. I prefer streaming services because of the unlimited options that are right in front of me. Especially during covid, I recall myself using Netflix frequently. My friends and I always used to “Teleparty” through Netflix, which is the process of syncing up two computers to watch the same movie or show simultaneously. To conclude, I couldn’t imagine my life without Hulu, Amazon Prime or Paramount etc. I am an avid movie and TV show watcher, so these services have benefited me greatly.

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