Saturday, May 4, 2024

AI: Is It Taking Over the World?

In a world full of technology, it’s impossible to escape the new inventions, ideas, devices and latest trends. Constant upgrades and new innovations are thrown in our face very frequently. One of the most popular new inventions in the technological world is AI. AI stands for artificial intelligence and it allows computers and other devices to solve problems just like another human being. It is an auto-generated, quick and efficient system that provides answers, insights, opinions and even emotion to all questions that it is asked. Although this sounds like an amazing advancement to help society, there are some negative effects to this creation. 

With having an extremely intelligent machine like this one, your privacy could be in danger. Since AI is known for gathering information about different topics, it could easily retrieve information about YOU. From watching In the Age of AI, I learned that AI has the ability to search the web and promote ads about each of us. This could cause a major privacy invasion to each individual that has an online profile. One of the most chilling things I learned about AI is that it has the ability to understand and decipher our voices from one another. It has the ability to pinpoint who is exactly talking and what mood you are in based on your tone and pitch of your voice. 

In addition to AI knowing a little TOO much personal information about us, it also has the ability to strip job opportunities from future employees. Since AI is very academically and emotionally advanced, it is obviously very intelligent. In other words, it is like your personal Google. You could ask it a question, and in under three seconds it can generate a personalized, detailed answer to your prompt. With that being said, workers in the journalism field have become more worried as some say that AI writing is better than actual journalists. Of course, some people think otherwise, but who says that AI won’t be taking over stories, headlines and updates in the news? 

As a fellow sports media major, this worries me for my future in this industry. The sports media/journalism field is all about writing and speaking to an audience. So, if AI is much more efficient, intelligent and in some cases, cheaper than a real employee, then who says that industries aren’t going to stop hiring? It is going to be very interesting to see how AI expands over the next few years? Is it going to take over the world? Is it going to crash and burn? Is the writing too basic or is it going to get even more complex? It is hard to say what the outcome of AI is going to be. Hopefully, it doesn’t interfere with too many job opportunities for young adults in the future. 

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