Saturday, May 4, 2024

Anti War Voices

Normally when someone mentions the word “war,” it has a negative meaning behind it. War is defined as “a state of armed conflict between different nations or states.” Personally, that is something I would not like to be a part of and I would have assumed most other citizens would feel the same way. So, if war is not something that we should be advocating for, then why don’t we hear more anti war voices?

When I took a look at American Conservative  and I realized that these websites are not very popular, as I have never heard of them before. After reviewing certain articles, statements and passages, I noticed that I don’t find this perspective of anti war statements throughout the internet or on the news frequently. To be fair, that could be due to my personal lack of knowledge of recent news, however I truly believe that I am not the only young adult that feels this way. One of the reasons I believe that citizens are silenced is because the government wants to always have the upper hand. Now, I understand that being in high authority, there may be certain factors of different issues in the world that are available to them and not the citizens. However, not being able to publicize our opinions is where most citizens, including myself, draw the line. I believe that the government’s goal is to constantly have power, and information is power

I find that our mainstream news channels and websites are too busy covering news that they believe the media would want to hear, instead of news that is actually relevant at the moment. Is that intentional? Forced by the government? Or is that just an opinion of mine? It’s hard to really maneuver around situations like these as a citizen who does not know much about behind the scenes. Unfortunately, everything just comes down to politics these days. If something is posted on the media or on a news channel that someone in higher authority does not approve of, it will be taken down. We may not see it all of the time, but that is the sad truth about our world.

To conclude, I believe that as more people continue to speak up about anti war, the more popular the topic will become. Since smaller news sources do not have priority over channels like CNN or FOX, it is very easy to get lost in the big pool of media. When you are a little fish in a big pond, sometimes it can be difficult to be seen, heard or acknowledged. 

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