Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Privacy: Do we really have any?

After watching multiple informative TED talks about what goes on behind the screen of our electronic devices, my perspective on technology completely changed. I used to think that if I were to delete a photo, unsend a text message, or remove my search history, no one would see it. In reality, that is completely false. After listening to “Your Online life, permanent as a tattoo” by Juan Enriquez, I came to realize that we are constantly getting watched, analyzed and monitored by the government through our phone screens. Enriquez uses an analogy as he compared online life to a tattoo - it is always permanent. More specifically, he describes it as an “electronic tattoo.” 

As an Iphone user and someone who is on social media pretty frequently, it is alarming that the amount of “private” information I have, is not actually private. Although some people are aware of the undercover surveillance that the government may have on them, nothing will change. People are so tied up in their iphones that they will never delete apps or throw away their cell phone because they want to stay connected with this generation. Social media is a giant part of everyone’s lives nowadays and it has completely taken over the world. 

Personally, I am worried for my safety knowing that possible phone calls, conversations, and daily life activities are being watched from afar. As an individual, there is really nothing I can do to protect my privacy, unless I were to stop using my iphone. In reality, I feel like that is how many teenagers and young adults would think. Obviously, hearing this information is mind-blowing and frightening, but what is one going to do? Delete Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter? Probably not. Stop calling, texting and searching things on Google? Probably not. So in conclusion, it is important to be smart with what information you decide to put out on social media and to always be aware of your surroundings.

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